T.J. Long, Jr. and his two children, Ava Ann [10] and Asher Rey [6]!T.J. was born in Edenton, NC, raised in Hertford, NC and a graduate of Perquimans County High School (c/o 1999). His parents (Tim & Terry Long) run a ministry that accepts and distributes furniture, appliances, etc. to those in need called The Storehouse. T.J. completed his Bachelors of Art in Christian Education at Montreat College (c/0 2003) and his Masters of Divinity at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, CA (c/o 2009). T.J. has served as a Youth Minister, Young Adult Pastor and most recently as the Associate Minister of Students & Outreach at Great Bend First Christian Church (Kansas). He is commissioned in our denomination and will be ordained on April 1, 2023. T.J. has a heart for preaching God's word, outreach and relational ministry. He can be contacted via email at [email protected]. You can also follow him on Facebook at www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100073956596575 |